Sunday, June 20, 2010

Earring Re-do

My daughter wanted some black earrings, so we set out to find some. Looked at every store in the mall & didn't really want to pay $8 for one pair. Stopped by Wal-Mart & couldn't even find a pair there!! Thought about buying the materials to make a pair, but realized that it would be about the same as what I DIDN'T want to spend!! However, I found some earrings on clearance - 9 pairs for THREE dollars!!!!! Bargain! Well, the earrings were turquoise, yellow & green - - great colors, however, not black, and we didn't need 3 pair of each color! So, thinking like a crafter ;) I came up with a great plan. . . why not paint them!!!??? We went home & got out the nail polish & ended up with 9 new pair of earrings, all different colors . . . for only $3!!!

Like my Circle K earring holder??? ;) I tried a few other things to hold the earrings while I painted (polished) them, but this actually worked the best!!! We kept one of each of the original colors, then added black, purple, red, red/white/blue, and pink!! (One pair actually broke, so we only had 8 in the end - - still a great deal!!) After they dried, I went over them with clear, sparkly polish!!


  1. Such a great idea! Happy to see you got around to it and joined in on the fun of crafty blogging :) You are so talented! BTW- we need to get together soon! What ever happened to the Alpha Girls??

  2. wow great idea!! id love to see them modeled on Madelyn! ;)
