Thursday, August 18, 2011

T-shirt "Jewels"

This shirt was a little time consuming, but FUN!!!  It was so easy & cheap - - which helped me be patient!! ;)

* t-shirt (or onsie - super cute idea!!)
* metallic craft paint (I used Anita's Metallic in White)
* newspapers, etc. to put between layers of shirt
* pencils with erasers, glue stick, or any other "round" items in different sizes
* 1 bunch of celery (yes, celery!! ;)

There's really no right or wrong way to make this shirt!!  Just choose how many necklace "strands" you want & start! ;)  I started with the top row first, making the large dots in the center.  For these I used a glue stick lid.  Simply dip the lid in the paint, wiping off excess & stamp on your design!  For the smaller "beads" in that row, I used the end of a wooden paintbrush.  Now, as you can see, my necklaces aren't exactly straight - but if you ask me, I think they look good that way! ;) I added the rest of the rows kind of randomly.  It is kind of hard to make the necklace match up perfectly from one corner to the other, but just do your best!  The necklace that has the larger beads that are spread out - used to be a strand of all small beads, but I went back & added the large beads to cover up a few "mistakes"!  ;)

The most fun part of the shirt was the "flower"!!  Take your bunch of celery & cut off the end, leaving a few inches of course, and it makes a flower!!  Just dip the flower in the paint & stamp!!  Cool, huh??!!  After the shirt was dry, I went back over the flower & a few beads that didn't turn out very dark.

Over-all, it was a super easy project!!  :) 

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