Monday, September 13, 2010

Money Matters Monday

Here it is - my first "theme" day!! :) If you know me at all, you know I'm always looking for a bargain!! Well, what better place to show off my finds, than right here!!! So, every Monday, I'll be posting a great deal I found (or two, or three)!!! With that said. . .

Here are today's great deals:

1. Went to Target (of course) & found these cute baby shower invites for only $0.36!! (No, not giving a shower, but I LOVE buying invites because you can always use the envelopes & card parts to make new cards!!) I got 16 envelopes, invites, & little pink bows all for $0.72!!

2. Also at Target - found 3 super cute shirts for my Ladybug for only $1.74 each!! Just a hint about Target - if there's a bunch of something on clearance, it will get marked down even further - just be patient & wait it out!! Don't forget to check back often!! I have my eye on a few items at a few different stores!! (But don't tell - that's my secret!! ;)
Love, love these shirts!!
Also found one for Madelyn - only $1.98!!

3. For today's last great deal - I went to Fresh & Easy!! I got all of the following for a total of exactly $5.00:

That's one avocado, 6 tomatoes, a bag of potatoes & a bag of salad!! NO, they weren't rotten or about to rot!! All the items except for the salad were part of their $0.98 produce!! The salad was $1.99 - the most expensive item!!


  1. Great Deals and love the clock and pics for your bathroom.

  2. so missy, just what is it you have your eye one? You know we (emili) frequents target for the same reasons!
